Traveling Nowhere

In July 2008, I was still part of a zine collaborative here in Missoula called Slumgullion.  Debby Florence was the creator and main organizer of the group.  We had just started renting a space at the newly opened ZACC building and Debby wanted to do a 24 hour zine challenge event.  I was all about it.  But unfortunately the event ended up being on a weekend I was leaving town.  So I decided to go the Slumgullion space the weekend before and make my zine, with out having a crowd around.  I brought a box full of ephemera and art supplies, and on a little table in the middle of the room, I spent six hours making a 24 page zine.

Despite being asked to put the originals into an art show, and sell them.  I decided I couldn’t do that because I would not be able to make more color copies of the zine in the future.  Now three years later.  I have decided that I will stop production of color copies of the zine and sell all of the originals.  This is sort of a big deal for me.  This is probably my favorite zine that i have ever made.  The idea of taking it apart and selling the pieces is a little disturbing, but I also feel that it necessary.   It is time to move on.

So my plan is to post a page a week on my etsy store.

Link to first page posted.

Link to color copy of zine.

Link to black and white version of zine.

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A poem

I was digging through a notebook and found a writing exercise I did this summer.  I was impressed by it and decided to type it up.

Growing Song

faces denote the places
growing song

and I may be wrong
but I can feel your face
peeling back
scrunching back
I can feel your face
becoming a different face

the places we have been
all of them denote
a different melody
a different way of being
a different message
a different meaning

and in the song we all
have our own interpretation
whether it is philosophical
or rhythmic
whether it is mental
or physical

you dance about the room
and I wonder about
the placement
of a certain adjective
Does it change anything?

your face
my face
are they becoming one
in wonderment

thinking and knowing
so different
yet so similar

and I can’t help
but wonder
when my idea
will become your dance
and vice a versa
and we will roll
into the future.

written 8/24/10

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Most recent Blah Blah Blah

This is my most recent monthly zine.  I make a small eight page zine every month and send it out via snail mail.  I just began my sixth year.  Pretty crazy.  I have so many back issues that I don’t even have an idea of how many I have made.  It started as a weekly (that was crazy intense) then went to a biweekly for years and then in March 2009 I changed it to a monthly.

If you are interested in subscribing, send me an email at

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Stuff and more stuff

This website does not look anything like i want it to yet.  But it is a start.  I am learning little bit by little bit.

I am so much more focused on my art right now.  I am working on getting everything ready for the holiday season.  I am doing to holiday bazaars.  One, is on first friday and in a bar.  should be fun, if I don’t let  myself get to sloppy.  The second is the MADE fair and is totally a big deal.  It gets lots of traffic.  I wish I would have had more time to sew things or silk screen things.  I guess there is still time.  but my main focus is getting my calendar done.  I have only made it to may so far.

My mind likes to wander to all the amazing possibilities while i am writing.  Like I was just thinking.  It wouldn’t be to hard to come up with a stuffed animal pattern, and throw 10 – 15 of them together before then.  hmmm.  we shall see.

alright, I am going to try to make this website look a little better.  Wish me luck!

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When i get…

when I get this all figured out it will be oh so lovely.

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